Human rights

Stop child marriage! Integrating well-being and human rights

Messages used in the campaign against child marriage are clear and simple. They are communicated in English and the local Anyuak language.We engage with a variety of national and international initiatives and programs that link well-being for individuals and groups with wider processes of transformation for social justice that can change the structures of oppression, marginalization and exclusion. In partnership with the Great Lakes Initiative and Junubin Together, Nayece Sustainability AB is currently involved with a project is to end child marriage in Pochalla among the Anyuak of South Sudan. The project incorporates activities that target teenage girls and boys and creates opportunities for education, knowledge and skills. The project engages men and women in addressing the impact of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV on the individual and the community. This is essential for addressing human rights violations through interventions that strengthen democratic values and encourage gender equality. Though there is no universal understanding of these concepts, the local communities are encouraged to find approaches that are sensitive to their cultures.